Allstate, Ford, Walmart & Kroger Helping In The Fight Against COVID-19 In Different Ways

Allstate announced today that they would be returning $600 million in automobile premiums as drivers are on the road less.

If you’re an Allstate customer you’ll be getting a 15% “payback” of your monthly premium this month and next month.

American Family Insurance will be returning $200 million in premiums to their customers too.

Other large insurance companies like State Farm and Progressive are thinking about doing the same thing for their customers.

Retail giants Walmart and Kroger are stepping up their coronavirus protection measures by testing one-way aisles at select locations across the U.S.

The idea of the single-direction shopping lanes is simple: people moving in the same direction will have less contact with each other, says Walmart CEO Dacona Smith. “We expect this to help more customers avoid coming into close contact with others as they shop,” Smith says.

The move comes after Kroger on Tuesday began using a computer program called QueVision to limit the number of customers allowed in each store, says the company’s chief technology officer, Yael Cosset. “By leveraging QueVision, our technology system that uses infrared sensors and predictive analytics, we will be able to more efficiently support our new capacity limits, creating a safer environment for our customers and associates.”

Ford has temporarily stopped vehicle production and focusing on face shields for health care workers.

The auto maker says it’s cranking out one shield every ten seconds and has shipped out over 1,000,000 so far.

Ford has also been working with GE Healthcare to produce ventilators, and with 3M on powered respirators.