Bolingbrook’s National Night Out – Wednesday, August 2nd

National Night Out is an annual campaign that brings communities together with their local police departments to strengthen bonds and build camaraderie. The first annual National Night Out event was held in 1984 with citizens from 400 communities across 23 states holding front porch vigils as a symbol of solidarity. Through the years the event has evolved to block parties, cookouts, parades and even city-wide events. Now, in its 39th year, National Night Out will be celebrated in more than 17,000 communities and in all 50 states.


Throughout the year, the men and women of the Bolingbrook Police Department express our core value of community outreach through engagements in our schools, neighborhoods, parks and churches. On Wednesday, August 2nd, we are inviting each part of our growing community to come together to celebrate all that makes Bolingbrook great. The Bolingbrook Police Department is hosting Bolingbrook’s National Night Out behind Town Center starting at 7:00 PM. Bolingbrook’s National Night Out will include meet and greets with our K-9 Unit, Drone Unit, Touch-A-Truck, REACT Team, food, drink and a free rock concert.


Bolingbrook’s National Night Out will directly precede the regularly scheduled Concert on the Hill and continue throughout the concert. Bring your family, friends or even the entire neighborhood for a night that promises to be a lot of fun. We will kick off the fun at 7:00 PM and HAIR Ballad Band will do their opening set at 7:30 PM.