Celebrate the I&M Canal’s 175th Anniversary
The 175th anniversary of the I&M Canal begins this week. This will be a year-long celebration of the canal’s impact on Illinois, featuring special events and activities that span the 60 communities in the I&M Canal National Heritage Area.
Travel back to 1848 as Illinois Congressman Abraham Lincoln salutes the opening of the I&M Canal. This free, 45-minute outdoor program will take place at three locations throughout the day, and is the first event in our year-long 175th Anniversary celebration.
Today, April 10th at 11am, Illinois Congressman Abraham Lincoln salutes the opening of the I&M Canal on the steps of the Will County Courthouse. Then at 1:30 at the Morris courthouse and 4pm in Washington Square with a short reception to follow at Reddick Mansion.
To see a list of events click here.