Check Your Medicine Cabinet For Rxs you don’t use anymore

Bolingbrook is holding a prescription drug take back event on Saturday, April 30th.

Expired or unused medications are a public safety issue leading to accidental poisoning, overdose and abuse.

Unused drugs that are flushed down the toilet may contaminate our lakes, streams and groundwater causing harm to humans, wildlife and vegetation.

Medications thrown in the trash can cause poisoning by accidental ingestion by young children, pets and even wildlife.

You can bring in your expires prescription drugs or unwanted/unused prescription drugs. Over the counter drugs, ointments and creams plus patches and vitamins. Not accepted are syringes, illicit drugs, medical equipment and injectable drugs.

The event will be held at Bolingbrook Police Department located at 375 W. Briarcliff Road between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.