City of Joliet Announces $3.5 Million in Funding to Improve Aged Water Infrastructure

The City of Joliet will be receiving $3,500,000 in federal funding to replace leaking water mains in the city. Not only will these replacements provide a stable infrastructure, but they will also help the city reach its goal to reduce water loss. The request for this funding was submitted by U.S. Representatives Bill Foster (IL-11) and Lauren Underwood (IL-14) in the House, while U.S. Senator Dick Durbin submitted the request in the Senate.

“We are grateful to have received this federal funding to help further our mission to increase our city’s water infrastructure sustainability while keeping rates affordable,” said Mayor O’Dekirk. “Our thanks goes to Representatives Foster and Underwood along with Senators Durbin and Duckworth for understanding the needs of Joliet and working hard to secure federal funding for this project.”

This funding will be used to replace aged, leaking water mains in the City of Joliet’s distribution system and will help conserve water. Joliet is currently developing a new Lake Michigan water source to replace the existing groundwater source that is unsustainable and will be unable to meet the maximum daily demands of the city by 2030. This project will help fund the water main replacements that are a necessary part of that transition.

The funding was secured through a new federal Community Project Funding initiative for fiscal year 2022 that allowed members of Congress to request direct funding for projects.

“Every person deserves safe drinking water, and I’m proud to have secured funding for the City of Joliet to invest in ensuring the community has access to safe drinking water for years to come,” said Underwood.

“I’m proud that I was able to help secure this funding to bolster Joliet’s water infrastructure and make sure the people who call Joliet home have access to clean and affordable drinking water for decades to come,” Foster added.

“This new federal investment will allow Joliet to replace outdated and leaking water mains as part of its Alternative Water Source Program,” Durbin said. “Strengthening our aging water infrastructure is critical to the economic and environmental health of local communities, which is why I helped secure this federal funding.”

Residents and businesses are encouraged to learn more about Joliet’s Alternative Water Source Program at, or by following the initiative through Facebook and Twitter. Visitors to the website can also sign-up to receive e-mail updates for the latest news on the Program.