Collins St Neighborhood Council & Spanish Community Center Will Host Virtual Four-Day Bilingual Local Candidates Forum Series Featuring Joliet Candidates
The Collins St Neighborhood Council in partnership with the Spanish Community Center will host a virtual four-day bilingual Candidate Forum Series, Local Candidates Forum:
Local Elections Matter from March 8 through 11 starting at 6pm via Facebook Live on the Collins St Neighborhood Council and Spanish Community Center’s Facebook pages. The Candidate Forum Series will feature a variety of candidates running for different Joliet offices.
March 8 – Joliet City Council
March 9 – Joliet Township High School District 204 and Joliet Junior College
March 10 – Joliet Township Government
March 11 – Joliet Park District
“The Collins St Neighborhood Council and Spanish Community Center have a history of hosting candidate forums together. We share the same belief of educating our communities about the
importance of voting, knowing the candidates and the issues affecting the community, especially in local elections where turnout is extremely low,” said Tanya Arias, President of the Collins St
Neighborhood Council.
“The Joliet Area has a significant amount of Spanish-speaking eligible voters. Having a language-accessible forum and voting site are important inclusive steps towards engaging our multicultural, multilingual American citizenry,” said Veronica Gloria, Executive Director of the Spanish Community Center. The Spanish Community Center, located at 309 Eastern Ave, Joliet will be an Early Voting Site for the upcoming April 6 Consolidated Election. Voters will use the Franklin St. entrance to enter the gymnasium where Early Voting will take place. Early Voting Hours are Monday through Friday, March 22 – 26 from 9am to 4:30pm; Saturday, March 27 from 9am to 12pm; Sunday, March 28 from 10am to 4pm; Monday through Friday, March 29 – April 2 from 9am to 7pm and Saturday, April 3 from 9am to 4pm.