Crest Hill Remains Under Boil Order From Friday’s Fire
A portion of the City of Crest Hill remains in effect from Friday’s fire that occurred in a scrap yard. The boil order remains in effect until further notice for the residents of Crest Hill that reside in an area roughly bounded by Caton Farm on the north to areas south of Theodore street that reside in the City of Crest Hill only. And from Broadway Street (IL 53) on the east to areas west of Gaylord Drive in the City of Crest Hill only.
During the boil order, residents should boil your water for any drinking/cooking needs.
Please see the map below for further clarification. This Boil order which was necessitated by a pressure drop in our system will be in affect until further notice. Residents will be notified that the boil order is off by press release, Facebook and City Website when this occurs.