Joliet Jr. College is holding an open house this Saturday for all prospective students and their families. Plus you can get a free vehicle inspection. Automotive students will check each car for tire pressure, proper fluids and anti-freeze, lighting, and more to make sure you’re read for the winter season. Andy Kacena instructor in automotive technology says it’s a way to give back to the community.

Discover JJC will be held on Saturday November 2nd between 9 a.m. and noon at the main campus in the A Building in Joliet. Attend the “Getting Started on the Pathway to Success” presentation on admissions, testing, career services and financial aid. Discover JJC Open House will allow students to learn about JJC’s 184 academic programs. Including the newest, medical assisting program. You can enroll now for the spring 2020 semester. For more information go to