District 202 Piloting “Breakfast in the Classroom” Program
District 202 is piloting a “breakfast in the classroom” program in several elementary schools this spring with the goal of expanding the program to all elementary schools by the end of 2019.
Breakfast already is served in all District 202 elementary schools, typically in the cafeteria. However, with the pilot program breakfast is served from a cart stationed in the hallway or moved around to classrooms so students can take food and eat in the classroom.
A healthy breakfast is an important start to a student’s day, said Richard Engstrom, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations.
“We are hoping to increase student participation in the breakfast program because eating a nutritious breakfast improves students’ focus and helps students to perform better on standardized tests,” Engstrom said.
Items on the cart can include cereal, muffins, crackers, fresh fruit, milk and juice. Students are required to pick at least three items from the four offered. One item must be a serving of a fruit or vegetable.
Eagle Pointe, Grand Prairie, Lincoln elementary schools are piloting the program. Meadow View Elementary School began the program Monday, January 14, 2019.
In December, Meadow View served an average of 59 breakfasts daily. That average number rose to 114 daily after implementing breakfast in the classroom.
Breakfast costs $1.55 or 30 cents for those eligible for the free or reduced program.
For more information or to apply for free or reduced meals, visit http://www.psd202.org/page/frl.