Dunkin’ Donuts is coming to six corners in Joliet. The brand new location will be near Thayer Brothers Deli. A drive-through is still pending per Joliet approval according to Derrick Conley economic development specialist in Joliet.

Meanwhile, good news for the the Chick-fil-A restaurant going up at the old Lone Star restaurant location along Route 30 across from the Louis Joliet Mall. Construction stopped during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic but fencing is up around the old restaurant. Demolition will begin the middle of July and is expected to be completed in the spring of 2021.

And finally, a company from Roselle has purchased the AT&T building that has been sitting vacant in downtown Joliet for several years. The site is located just north of Joliet Jr. College near Chicken’ Spice. The 100,000 square foot building is under contract and is expected to lease out the bottom portion of the building for commercial use and the top floors for office space.