After tackling the topic of jerk dog owners who make no attempt to follow basic rules and those who litter and dump disgusting amounts of trash in the preserves, the Forest Preserve District of Will County is releasing its third video in its “Don’t Be A Jerk” series.

The continuing series is designed to promote better behavior in the preserves. The third video in a four-video series is focused on runners, hikers and bikers who don’t pay attention to their surroundings and ignore rules and common sense. Just like traveling on a road, things can quickly turn south if people are oblivious or simply don’t care to share the trail.

The campaign is in response to complaints by members of the public who don’t want to be traveling on a trail with people hogging the whole path or letting their dogs run amok. The campaign also is designed to protect wildlife that can be harmed by improperly disposed of cigarette butts, fishing line and other refuse.

To read a story on the campaign and view the “Don’t Be A Jerk: Trail Edition” video, visit