Forest Preserve District of Will County News Updates
Keep your distance: COVID-19 signs installed in forest preserves
Informational COVID-19 signs have been installed at Forest Preserve District of Will County trailheads and preserve entrances in an effort to help keep visitors safe and healthy as they experience nature. The signs urge the public to continue to do their part to stop the spread of the disease by following some practical guidelines. “The additional signage is a recommendation of health officials and one which we gladly support,” said Ralph Schultz, the Forest Preserve District’s chief operating officer. For more information, visit
Coronavirus-related compensation approved for dog park permit holders
Forest Preserve District of Will County dog park permit holders will receive discounted 2021 dog park passes as a result of dog park closures experienced this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A 20 percent discount on 2021 annual permits will be available for all 1,640 customers who have already purchased 2020 permits. For details, visit
Isle a la Cache improvements underway
Stepping back in time to the 18th century at Isle a la Cache preserve in Romeoville will be even easier and more authentic in the years to come as three improvement projects unfold at the site. The upgrades will be happening simultaneously throughout the preserve. “The projects will overlap for a period of about 18 months, and by mid-2021, Isle a la Cache will have had a major capital investment that will significantly improve the preserve,” said Tina Riley, the site’s facility supervisor. For more information on the projects, visit
For more information on the Forest Preserve District of Will County, visit