The Forest Preserve District of Will County schedules a wide variety of programs year-round. Here are some of the upcoming offerings:

CHANNAHON – “Four Rivers Winter Bird Hike,” 8-10 a.m. Friday, Dec. 6, Four Rivers Environmental Education Center. Learn from an interpretive naturalist and other like-minded birders as you take a bird hike 1-2 miles through oak-hickory forest or restored prairie near the Des Plaines River. Free; ages 18 or older. Register by Wednesday, Dec. 4, at or call 815-722-9470.

CHANNAHON – “Morning Movies,” 9-11 a.m. Friday, Dec. 6, Four Rivers Environmental Education Center. Enjoy the company of others, plus warm coffee and the documentary film, “Natural Born Rebels.” This PBS film is guaranteed to reveal fascinating, even comical, animal behaviors from around the world. The film will be followed by a discussion. Free; all ages.

CHANNAHON — “Animals in Winter: Hike and Craft,” 10 a.m.-noon, Saturday Dec. 7, Four Rivers Environmental Education Center. Explore the winter landscape and learn how animals adapt to survive the cold weather. Then warm up with a cup of hot cocoa and make a special animal ornament to remember your family’s adventure. Free; all ages. Register by Wednesday, Dec. 4, at or call 815-722-9470.

CHANNAHON – “The Off-Season: Fitness for Paddlers,” 2-3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, Four Rivers Environmental Education Center. Learn tips and tricks to practice in the off-season making your transition back into paddling a more comfortable experience in the spring. Bring a yoga mat and dress in comfortable clothes. Free; ages 12 or older. Register by Wednesday, Dec. 4, at or call 815-722-9470.

ROMEOVILLE – “Native Games,” 1-2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, Isle a la Cache Museum. Historically, native peoples like the Potawatomi played games as children to help develop survival skills. Come out to the museum to try your hand at some of these games: ring and pin, predator and prey, and more. Free; all ages. Register by Thursday, Dec. 5, at or call 815-886-1467.

For more information on these and other programs and events, visit