Now that spring has arrived, the Forest Preserve District of Will County’s volunteers are heading outside to chop and chip away the invasive species that can choke out the native plants in preserve landscapes.

Volunteers will tackle brush control, the removal of garlic mustard and sweet clover, and wood chipping during 11 resource management workdays scheduled for April through June.

Workdays are held 8 a.m.-noon. An RSVP is required so that ample equipment and supplies are available, and a description of the workday can be sent to participants. RSVP to Renee Gauchat, volunteer supervisor, at [email protected] or 815.722.7364. After the workday, stay and learn about the flora and fauna of the area as a bonus.

The spring workdays have been scheduled for:

  • Sunday, April 7: Joliet Junior College, Joliet, brush control
  • Saturday, April 13: Keepataw Preserve, Lemont, brush control and brush pile burning
  • Tuesday, April 23: Messenger Woods Nature Preserve, Homer Glen, garlic mustard removal
  • Saturday, April 27: Earth Week Naperville, Whalon Lake, brush control and wood chipping
  • Sunday, May 5: O’Hara Woods Preserve, Romeoville, garlic mustard removal
  • Tuesday, May 7: McKinley Woods, Channahon, garlic mustard removal
  • Saturday, May 11: Raccoon Grove Nature Preserve, Monee Township, brush control and garlic mustard removal
  • Tuesday, June 4: McKinley Woods – Kerry Sheridan Grove, Channahon, sweet clover removal
  • Saturday, June 8: Sugar Creek Preserve, Joliet, sweet clover removal
  • Sunday, June 9: McKinley Woods – Kerry Sheridan Grove, Channahon, sweet clover removal
  • Tuesday, June 25: Rock Run Preserve, Joliet, sweet clover removal

    Participants should dress for outdoor work (long pants, closed-toe shoes and work gloves) and for the weather. For more information on workdays and other volunteer opportunities,