IDOT Targeting January of 2022 to Reopen the Jefferson Street Bridge

The Illinois Department of Transportation answered questions at Tuesday’s Joliet City Council meeting to discuss the Jefferson Street Bridge. The bridge has been closed since June of 2020 and the reopening date was moved several times. The latest being early November of this year. IDOT says parts for the decades old bridge have to be fabricated and once on site must fit to the bridge infrastructure. The parts are on site but minor adjustments need to be made. In addition, a remote control system for all bridges in Joliet need to be completed. The Jefferson Street Bridge cannot open until this work is done. Engineers for IDOT told the Joliet City Council that the first or second week in January looks to be the reopening date for the bridge.

Once the bridge is reopened IDOT says they will then begin work on the Jackson Street Bridge. It was in March that Joliet Mayor Bob O’Dekirk asked IDOT to allow the Cass Street Bridge to become two-ways during the construction period, a request which was granted. When asked if Cass Street would stay two-ways after Jefferson Street reopens IDOT says the plan is to revert the bridge back to a way one road but did say that a long term traffic study on the feasibility of the bridge remaining two-ways is being conducted.