Illinois Close To New Law To Promote Equal Pay For Equal Work
Illinois may soon see a new law to promote equal pay for equal work, thanks to State Senator Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant.
Bertino-Tarrant is a chief cosponsor on House Bill 834, which addresses the salary gap in Illinois by prohibiting employers from requiring job applicants to disclose their past salary during the interview process.
“In 2019, a worker should not receive a different wage based on any factor not directly related to their job performance,” Bertino-Tarrant said. “This dynamic allows employers to shirk their own tacit responsibility in reinforcing the lower wages women are often paid. It is imperative that as a state, we promote policies that ensure pay equity across Illinois.”
Bertino-Tarrant worked with the sponsor to make the measure more business friendly.
The measure was supported by a number of groups including the Illinois Attorney General’s Office, National Association of Social Workers, Laborer’s International Union and the Illinois National Organization for Women along with other groups.
The legislation amends the Equal Pay Act of 2003 to include language banning salary history questions during the hiring process.
“As it now seems like some other states are moving backward on equal rights for all workers, Illinois will continue to move forward to ensure employees are receiving the same pay for the same work,” Bertino-Tarrant said.
House Bill 834 passed the Senate with bipartisan support and goes back to the House for a concurrence vote before heading to the governor’s desk for his approval.