Illinois Department of Public Health to Text COVID-19 Cases
Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 may be contacted by the State of Illinois as it tries to improve contact tracing and help slow the spread of the virus.
All positive COVID-19 cases that are linked to a cell phone number will now get a text message from Illinois Department of Public Health [IDPH].
The text will read:
IDPH COVID: There is important info for you. Call 312-777-1999 or click:
The state is centralizing COVID-19 contact tracing in order to get the latest information about isolation to those who are infected. Also, as cases are surging, the state is trying to identify those who have been in close contact to infected individuals as soon as possible. Local health department workers will focus on those who are 65 years and older and at a greater risk of severe illness, as well as any cases linked to congregate settings—schools, day care centers, or local outbreaks.
Anyone who calls the number or clicks on the link will be “opting in” for an interview. If you get tested, be sure to provide a good cellphone number and be on the watch for the number above. It is not scam.
Will County Department of Public Health press release