Initial COVID-19 Doses Going To 50 Illinois Counties
December 14, 2020 6:28AM CST
Initial doses of the newly-approved Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine are set to go to 50 Illinois counties. The first shipment of the vaccine left a Michigan facility yesterday and arrived at UPS and FedEx hubs in Kentucky and Tennessee to be distributed to U.S. states and territories. Governor J.B. Pritzker says the first vaccine doses will be designated for hospitals, healthcare workers, and long-term care facility residents.
The initial number of vaccine doses in Will County is nearly 5,000 in the first allocation.
Illinois public health officials on Sunday reported 7,216 COVID-19 cases and 115 deaths. The state’s 7 day positivty rate from Dec 6-12 is 10.6%, in Region 7 it’s 13.5%.