The Joliet Township High School Board of Education approved conceptual designs and estimated budgets for Joliet Central and West High School Media Center renovations at the Oct. 15 Board of Education meeting. Construction on the project will begin at the start of summer 2020 with an anticipated completion date of mid-October 2020. Both Media Centers will close one month prior to the end of this school year to prepare for construction.

This is the first time renovations have been made to the decades-old Media Center spaces and multiple considerations were taken into account while developing the conceptual designs such as new developments in technology and instructional practices. Media Center staff, administrators, and architects visited four Chicago-area high schools to view state-of-the art Media Centers and their functionality while in use by students.

The estimated project budget of 5.4 million will be funded through the issuance of bonds at favorable rates due to the current market conditions.