Joliet Central & West Incoming Freshman Orientation – Aug. 10, 2022
Joliet Township High Schools 201 incoming freshmen have the opportunity to attend an in-person orientation on August 10 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Central or West Campus. Incoming freshmen should attend the orientation for the campus they will attend this fall. Transportation is provided to students residing 1.5 miles or more from school. Central car riders should be dropped off at the Main Entrance (Student Center) and West car riders should be dropped off at Door 6 (Cafeteria).
This event is only for incoming freshman students. Parents, guardians, and families will have the opportunity to visit the campuses and meet staff during Schedule Pick Up. More information about Schedule Pick Up is coming soon.
During the orientation students meet staff, tour the school, and learn about technology, athletics, activities, clubs, and more. Upperclass students will provide tips for success and answer questions.
Register online HERE no later than July 21. Upon registration, additional information will be sent to you closer to the orientation date.