Joliet City Council to Discuss City’s Water Future on Tuesday Night
The Joliet City Council is preparing to vote on a resolution selecting a primary and secondary alternative water source. Joliet’s existing water source, a deep groundwater aquifer, will be be unable to meet the City’s maximum day water demands by the year 2030. The city conducted an Alternative Water Source Study to determine alternative water sources which could be used by the city of Joliet and regional partners. The study looked at the cost of water, water quantity, water quality and maintenance and control. The City’s Environmental Commission voted to recommend the City pursue Lake Michigan Water from the New Indiana Intake as the primary water source option. The city of Joliet estimates that the implementation costs will range from $900 million to $1.1 billion depending on a variety of factors. The main reasons for selection of the the Indiana Intake is the high quality of water and the ability to control water rates and implementation. Lake Michigan water through the Chicago Department of Water Management has been identified as a second source if the Indiana option is unable to come together. The Joliet City Council meeting is Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m.