Joliet Police to Conduct Roadside Safety Checkpoint
Joliet Police Chief Al Roechner has announced that the Joliet Police Department, in partnership with the Illinois Department of Transportation, will participate in a statewide effort to increase seatbelt usage and reduce the number of impaired drivers the month of September. From Sept. 10th through Sept. 30th, special enforcement efforts will include alcohol/seat belt saturation patrols, seatbelt enforcement zones, and roadside safety checkpoints throughout the city. Officers assigned to these details will be checking for alcohol violations, occupant and child restraint violations, cell phone usage violations, and other violations of the Illinois Vehicle Code.According to Chief Al Roechner; “Our primary goal will be to increase enforcement throughout the City of Joliet; this overall enforcement will save lives.” Drivers and passengers are encouraged to always wear a seatbelt, never use an electronic communication device while driving, and not drink and drive.