Joliet West High School Announces 2022 Mr. and Ms. Alpha Omega

Joliet West High School award­ed seniors Tiffany Trizna and Braden Brophy with the title of Mr. and Ms. Alpha Ome­ga at Senior Awards Night on Thursday, May 12. The Ms. Alpha Omega first run­ner-up was Jessica Meza and second runner-up was Megan Krok. The Mr. Alpha Ome­ga first runner-up was Jack­son Bartelt and second run­ner-up was William Mendez.

WJOL interviewed these two, click here to listen.

The title is given to students who demonstrate academic excellence and ex­tensive commitment to ex­tracurricular activities. The Mr. and Ms. Alpha Omega competition determines who will be the student graduation speakers each school year.

“I’ve wanted to be Ms. Alpha Omega since freshman year and receiving this honor alongside one of my closest friends is the perfect end to my senior year,” said Ms. Alpha Omega winner Tiffany Trizna.

Last month, Joliet West revealed the top-ten Al­pha Omega finalists who were selected from the top 50 male and female students in the class of 2022, respectively. Ms. Al­pha Omega finalists include Madison Aharrah, Lizet Alva­rez, Erika Balbuena, Liliana Carranza, Kaitlyn Gibson, Me­gan Krok, Ellen Lundeen, Ha­ley Maser, Jessica Meza, Tiffa­ny Trizna, and Sophie Young.

Mr. Alpha Omega fi­nalists included: Praise God Anighoro, Jackson Bartelt, Nicholas Blauuw, Braden Bro­phy, Nathan Carpenter, Wil­liam Mendez, Walter Nowac­ki, Brandon Price, Matthew Papesh, and Sean Zarobsky.

“I’m truly grateful for all the amazing opportunities, relationships, and memories Joliet West has given me,” said Mr. Alpha Omega win­ner Braden Brophy. “It’s a real blessing to represent my class as Mr. Alpha Omega with one of my best friends.”

To determine the top-ten finalists, students who qualify to run for the title must write a personal narra­tive cover letter about their involvement in the school, what it means to them to earn Mr./Ms. Alpha Omega, and how they demonstrate one of the seven JTHS character traits. This cover letter is reviewed by a panel of judg­es to determine the finalists.  The finalists must then submit a personal video, updated cover letter, resume, community service log, and two letters of recommenda­tion. The application is submitted to a panel of judges comprised of community members who rank each portion of the application. Mr. and Ms. Alpha Omega is then deter­mined by the judges’ scores.

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