JTHS Community Forum: Safety & Security

JTHS Superintendent Karla Guseman and the Board of Education invite parents, students, staff, and the community to attend a JTHS Community Forum focused on safety and security. The forum provides an opportunity to provide information, answer questions, and share parent and community engagement opportunities. JTHS is committed to engaging all stakeholder groups to improve our schools. Spanish interpretation is provided.

The event takes place on December 7 at 6 p.m. in the Joliet Central High School Cafeteria. Student-led tours are available before the forum at 5 p.m.  Tours are optional, and visitors are not required to participate to attend the forum. To register for a tour, click HERE.

In preparation for the forum, we ask our stakeholders to complete the Safety & Security Comment/Feedback Form. Use this form to provide comments, thoughts, questions, or suggestions regarding safety and security at our schools. You may provide your name and email, or you can submit this form anonymously.  You do not need to attend the forum to complete this form. We welcome all feedback.

Those attending the forum can enter the school through the Student Center Main Entrance or the auditorium doors off Eastern Avenue.  Parking is available in all school lots. Visitors must certify they do not have COVID or COVID-like symptoms. Masks must be worn at all times while in the school building.

This forum is the first of three events designed to respond to concerns regarding safety and security and to gather community input in preparation for Strategic Planning.

JTHS press release