Local Lawmaker Says Cost Of Inaction On State Budget Too Great
State Representative Larry Walsh Jr (D-Elwood) has made the following statement regarding his votes on the budget bills that came before the Illinois House of Representatives on Wednesday.
“Last night was certainly not my preferred solution for moving Illinois forward, but with the full framework of the budget passed and faced with the immediate threat of the state returning to the Rauner years of unbalanced budgets and broken promises, I made the incredibly difficult choice to support Governor Pritzker’s revenue enhancements.
“While I have significant concerns about the path this budget sets us on, I could not in good conscience vote to jeopardize public safety, cause chaos for our public service providers, or allow uncertainty to derail the work my colleagues and I have done to rebuild Illinois’ fiscal house. The cost of inaction was simply too great to stand by and allow the budget to become unbalanced.
“Over the coming months I will be engaging with leadership in both chambers, the Governor, and the other members of my caucus that have legitimate concerns with how this budget was constructed to make it clear that we cannot allow a budget process like we saw early this morning to happen again.”