Local News Organizations Cover The RUSH Meeting
April 26, 2019 9:21AM CDT
Capturing some of the headlines and stories following the third RUSH meeting. Residents United For Safer Highways was held at Joliet Jr. College at the Houbolt campus on Wednesday, April 24th. More than 200 people attended. WJOL’s Scott Slocum began RUSH after reporting on yet another fatal accident along I-80. More than 7,000 signatures later, RUSH held its first meeting in January of 2018 and garnered the attention of state and local officials.
Here are some of the headlines:
Nick Reiher Editor in chief at the Farmers Weekly Review wrote his opinion titled: “Tolling Sucks … But It’s Better than Dying” Click here to read more.
Meeting held in Joliet to discuss I-80 bridge safety issues with IDOT officials
For the Fox 32 Chicago report click here
Joliet’s I-80 Tollway Could Open In 7 Years: RUSH Forum
Click here for the Patch story