If you are feeling healthy and well you’re being urged to take part and work in today’s Primary Election. The Will County Clerk is in desperate need of election judges. You can make $150 dollars for the day. Just go to the Will County Building in downtown Joliet.

The Will County Clerk’s Office encourages individuals from both political parties who are interested in serving as a backup Election Judge on Election Day to email [email protected] with contact information and their party affiliation.

Interested individuals also may come directly to the Will County Clerk’s Office at

302 N. Chicago Street in downtown Joliet at 6 a.m. tomorrow

to receive a Polling Place assignment.

Past experience serving as an Election Judge is not a factor. These individuals can be sworn in by a sitting Election Judge after 6:15 a.m. on Election Day.

While these replacement judges would not have received formal training from our Election Judge Department, they may rely on the guidance of trained Election Judges assigned to that Polling Place to serve through the day.

In addition, the Will County Clerk’s Office will compensate these replacement Election Judges the standard $150 if they serve the full remainder of the day.

This process, which is allowed under ILCS 5/13-7 and ILCS 5/14-6, is being enacted to replace Election Judges who are canceling due to concerns about coronavirus.