Manley Highlights Grant Opportunities Through the  Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Program

In order to give additional resources to entities that provide critical  services to residents across Will County, state Rep. Natalie Manley, D-Joliet, is encouraging  local organizations to take advantage of the $30 million available through the Restore, Reinvest,  and Renew (R3) program. 

“Supporting the organizations that provide much-needed services to residents and businesses  helps keep our community strong,” said Manley. “The funding available through the R3 program  can provide a major boost to those who are doing the work to keep our businesses thriving and  our residents safe.” 

Manley backed legislation creating the R3 program and last year helped secure $75 million to  fund the program. The R3 program, which is administered through the Illinois Criminal Justice  Information Authority, offers grants to organizations that provide civil legal aid, economic  development, re-entry, violence prevention, and youth development services and programs in  underserved areas. Nonprofits, local units of government, tax-exempt faith-based organizations,  and businesses are eligible to apply. For this funding cycle, entities in Will County may be  awarded grants up to $838,610. Applications must be submitted by April 30, 2024. For more  information or to apply, please visit the R3 website at 

“One of the most important aspects of my job as a representative is securing resources for our  community,” said Manley. “The R3 program is a great opportunity for organizations that serve Will County to get additional funding to continue the important work that they do to improve the  lives of our neighbors. I look forward to working to provide support to these entities through the  R3 program and other avenues to ensure that residents have access to these services.”