Nominating Petitions Available For Independent, New Party Candidates
Will County Clerk Lauren Staley Ferry informs individuals interested in running as an independent, new party, or sanitary district trustee candidate in the Nov. 8, 2022 General Election that Nominating Petition Packets are available today, Thursday, March 31.
Candidates may begin circulating petitions for signatures starting on Wednesday, April 13, 2022.
Candidates may download Nominating Petition Packets for printing by visiting the Will County Clerk’s website at and clicking on the Elections and then the Candidate Services links. Petition Packets are also available at the Will County Clerk’s Office, 302 N. Chicago Street, in downtown Joliet. A petition packet sign-out list will be posted on our website at the end of each business day.
Packets are available through the County Clerk’s Office for the following countywide offices: County Clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff, and Regional Superintendent of Schools (Will County). Packets also are available for all Will County Board Districts, East Joliet Sanitary District, and Lockport Heights Sanitary District.
Candidates should collect signatures from registered voters. Signatures must be signed, not printed. Voters may only sign petitions within the district where they reside.
For the most up-to-date information on the upcoming elections, visit