Over A Hundred People Show Up At Channahon Village Hall Meeting Only To Be Turned Away
A controversial new development has sparked a social media buzz in Channahon. The project is called “Channahon 68.” This is a proposed commercial development on 68 acres of land located at the northeast corner of US Route 6 & S. Thomas Dillon Dr. The site features a commercial anchor lot with several out lots closer to Thomas Dillon Drive.
The activity on social media encouraged people to come to the Village Board meeting on Monday, November 20th. Over 100 people crammed into Village Hall, expecting to hear what the Village had to say. However once the meeting began, residents were informed that the project would not be discussed.
They were informed that the meeting was postponed due to the board room exceeding capacity. Channahon Mayor Missey Schumacher explained to those in attendance that this could potentially be a violation of the open meetings act considering not everyone would be in the same room. There will be a meeting in the nurture to have all who want to attend and speak at a larger location.