PACE Ridership Down During COVID Pandemic

Pace ridership is down 70%. But PACE Chairman Rick Kwasneski says for the first time they are not only exceeding ridership on Metra but eclipsing it. There are 28,000 daily passengers on Pace a day as opposed to 6,000 daily on Metra.

One-percent of Pace’s workforce has tested positive for COVID-19. Thirty-six employees tested positive including one employee in Joliet. One Death of a contract carrier employee (ADA driver) who passed from a heart-attack but the coroner ruled the heart-attack was a result of the individual being positive for COVID-19.

There are a total of 3,300 Pace employees which including contractual employees. PACE front line employees are given masks, gloves, sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Ninety-five percent of administrative employees are working from home. Put up protective shields around the bus driver.

Pace front line employees are given masks, gloves, sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Ninety-five percent of administrative employees are working from home. Put up protective shields around the bus driver.

Meanwhile, The CARES Act funding of 113-million dollars is expected to help PACE get through 2020. Pace is funded by sales tax,fares and the State. They will not know the full impact of the pandemic until mid summer.


  • System-wide it is down about 70% on fixed route – providing 28,000 trips daily
  • System-wide ADA ridership is down about 75% – providing 4,000 trips daily (2,500 in Chicago and 1,500 in suburbs)
  • Ridership out of Joliet garage is down about 75% – providing 1,200 trips daily
  • Bus on Shoulder ridership is down about 95% (tracks with Metra declines) – providing 100 trips a day
  • Suspended service on 54 routes and strategically deployed the equipment on routes still with high demand (Amazon service from Harvey to Joliet; UPS service in Hodgkins, Route 352 Halsted in south Cook County)
  • These are essential trips – grocery store, medical, employment, etc.
  • First time in history we are carrying more passengers than Metra (28,000 daily on Pace – 6,000 daily on Metra) demonstrates we are to some individuals their only option

EMPLOYEE and Passenger Safety

  • Provide PPE to front line employees (masks, gloves, sanitizer, disinfectant wipes)
  • Buses and Garages are cleaned and disinfected nightly. Additional cleaning costs are approximately $20,000 a day
  • Quick Board – Safe Board policy passengers do not interact with driver
  • Protective shields around the driver
  • 95% of administrative employees currently working from home
  • Virtual Board meetings