Pastor Raises Money Through Rooftop Sit In
Pastor Richard D. House of the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Lockport will be on the rooftop of the church for the next 14 days.  He is raising money to build a playground for the kids who attend the church or live in the community in order to provide a safe place to go and play.
Here is what Pastor House gave to the congregation last Sunday
Shiloh Playground Equipment Pledge Form:
Dear member/friend of Shiloh, we need your help to make the “Youth Experience” at Shiloh more enjoyable and rewarding for all children who attend or visit Shiloh’s Multipurpose Worship Center.  We are asking you to help by pledging donations to the Youth Department Fundraiser.  Our goal is to raise at least $5,000.00. 
The increments are in the form of $3.00/$5.00/$10.00 or whatever you would like to give.  For the next fourteen days to support the Shiloh Youth Department and provide quality playground equipment (and other Youth Ministry necessities) for children in the church and community.  Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Pastor House will join Scott Slocum on Thursday morning at 7:30am. More information can be found