Person In Custody Following Social Media Threat Of Joliet West High School
Joliet West High School students were alerted this morning to a social media threat. The Joliet Police Department was immediately notified and increased police presence. As of 8:23 a.m. Joliet Police have an individual in custody who posted the threat.
Joliet Police quickly responded this morning with extra police presence at Joliet West High School campus. JTHS Administration is grateful to the Joliet Police Department’s quick action.
Joliet West High School is proceeding with normal school procedures for the remainder of the day.
JTHS says this is a good reminder for parents/guardians to talk to their student(s) about the consequences of reposting or sharing threatening social media posts and the importance of reporting threats. They ask that parents take a moment to discuss the topic of school threats with their student(s) and pledge as a family to report threats to the proper authorities and refrain from sharing rumored threats and unverified information with others.