Plainfield District 202 approves new three-year teacher contract

The District 202 Board of Education approved a three-year contract with the  Association of Plainfield Teachers that provides raises and improves benefits for members at the board’s regular meeting on May 9, 2022.

Sixty percent of APT members approved the new agreement on May 3, 2022.

The new contract runs through June 30, 2025.

The APT this year represents about 1,900 certified staff.

“This contract successfully addresses many needs brought forth by our membership. The collaborative efforts between the Board of Education and our APT negotiation team has allowed us to ratify a contract before the end of the 2021-2022 school year.” said APT President Dawn Bullock.

“We appreciate the Board’s willingness to strengthen District 202’s commitment to our membership,” she said

“On behalf of the Board of Education, we thank the APT membership and its leaders for their dedication to this process and to providing exceptional service and support to our students and families,” said District 202 Board of Education President Kevin Kirberg.

“This was a true collaborative effort to achieve results that will benefit our communities.  District 202 educators are the best in the business, and we truly value their hard work,” Kirberg said.

Among other highlights, the contract:

  • Provides average raises of 4.55 percent to 5.57 percent for each year of the contract
  • Adds money to the salary schedule every year
  • Includes expanded retirement incentive to reward longevity
  • Maintains traditional “lane/step” salary structure
  • Increases available sick days
  • Includes raises for stipends, adds additional clubs