Rialto Theater Officials Remain Committed to Building Safety –  Look Forward to Reopening

On July 25, 2024, the Will County Metropolitan Exhibition and Auditorium Authority which oversees the  Rialto, received an email from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) IEPA concerning the ongoing  asbestos removal at the Rialto, which was being conducted by a State certified asbestos removal company.  

The theater was cited for a violation made by the contractor working in the theater’s basement on the asbestos abatement  project. As a result of the notification, the Rialto immediately hired a third-party Illinois Department of Public Health  (IDPH) Licensed Asbestos Project Manager to develop a plan for cleaning the work site where the violation occurred. The  basement where the violation occurred along with the theater on the first floor remained closed to the public during  ongoing discussions concerning cleanup. 

During an extensive meeting with the IEPA on August 22, 2024, the Rialto learned that, in addition to the basement and  first floor, the IEPA wanted to ensure no other areas of the building were affected by the subcontractor’s violation. As a  result of this information, the Rialto has notified its tenants that the building will be closed until the results of testing can  be conducted. It is expected that testing will be done this weekend with test results available by Tuesday. 

Wade Welsh, Executive Director for the Rialto, stated that, the Rialto is working together with the IEPA to ensure a safe  and timely reopening.  

“We take this matter seriously and have taken the necessary steps to ensure the safety and well-being of our staff and  guests. We have been in regular contact with the IEPA and have complied with their recommendations,” added Welsh. 

Welsh also explained the Rialto has provided information to the IEPA which demonstrated that the heating ventilation and  air conditioning (HVAC) system for the first floor, which contains the auditorium and the main hallway, and the ticketing  area, do not share air with the basement.  

“The IEPA was provided with air samples collected at the Rialto and analyzed by an accredited laboratory showing fiber  level counts below the appropriate clearance standard required by the agency, explained Welsh. “Essentially, the tests  show the air in the Rialto is cleaner than what governmental standards require.” 

As a result of the meeting on August 22, 2024, it is believed that the IEPA and Rialto are on their way to arriving at a cleanup plan that will allow the theater to open by its first scheduled show in September of 2024.