Senior Services Of Will County Suspends Activities

Senior Services of Will County is suspending group activities and programs until further notice. Amid the evolving COVID-19 illness, Senior Services wants the health and wellness of older adults to be a high priority. Individual services for seniors such as benefit assistance, tax preparation, and Benefit Access Application (BAA) application will continue without interruption.

Senior Services of Will County is reminding everyone to follow the Center for Disease Control recommendations:

1) Stay home if you are feeling sick. Please do not share your germs.
2) Clean your hands thoroughly-wash your hand for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. If not with soap and water, use hand sanitizer regularly.
3) Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throw it away.
4) Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

Seniors are urged to stay home if they are sick or experiencing symptoms – whether you have a cold, the flu, shingles or coronavirus, you must stay home when you are feeling sick and especially if you have a fever about 100.4 degrees. You should be fever free, for a full 24-hours, before returning to Senior Services. You may call Senor Services for more information at 815-723-9713.