
Are you a do it yourself-er? Do you take pride in a job well done? When it comes to a hole in your drywall, do you call a professional? Or do you roll up your sleeves and grab a trowel? If you are interested in learning how to maintain your own home and do a job right, then tune into Prepare 2 Repair radio. Expert plumber and craftsman Steve Suarez of RJ Graham Plumbing hosts. Steve and special guests of all walks of like will teach you everything you need to know about home maintenance and do it yourself repairs. Check us out on AM 1340 WJOL and also streaming.


Steve Suarez

Prepare 2 Repair

Take the fear out of home improvement with the “Prepare 2 Repair” show with RJ Graham Plumbing! Through discussions with licensed experts, suppliers, and building officials from our local municipalities “Prepare 2 Repair” will empower homeowners through education. With over 20 years of experience, Steve from RJ Graham Plumbing and his guests will cover the “must knows” for your upcoming projects in this home-owner power hour!