Stop NorthPoint Lawsuit Dismissed
A Will County Judge has dismissed a lawsuit aimed at stopping the controversial Compass Business Park, otherwise known as the NorthPoint Project.
In December, the Joliet City Council approved the annexation of more than 13-hundred acres of land for the development of a logistics park. Stop NorthPoint has made the argument that the plans would be detrimental to the nearby Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery and would be a public nuisance.
Will County Judge Theodore Jarz dismissed the lawsuit, saying the project was NOT a public nuisance. Lawyer for the Stop NorthPoint group, Bob Fioretti, told WJOL’s Scott Slocum that the judge’s ruling surprised him and he stands by his argument that NorthPoint will be a public nuisance.
While Judge Janz dismissed the Stop NorthPoint lawsuit, Fioretti says future options include a motion to reconsider; amending the complaint; appealing the ruling; and even contacting the governor’s office.