Stop NorthPoint LLC Has Another Court Date
Another court date is set for Stop NorthPoint on December 15th. Lawyers for Stop NorthPoint LLC filed a complaint in Will County to see traffic studies and or to stop hearings on the annexation of land within Joliet for the Compass Business Park. Following an emergency motion on December 7th, the city of Joliet released limited documents to Stop NorthPoint but Chris Regis the Attorney for the City of Joliet claims that Joliet does not have any other traffic studies other than a 2020 draft traffic study provided to Plaintiff’s attorneys that he called “obsolete” and no environmental impact studies.
Attorney Bob Fioretti questions how the Joliet City Council can proceed with a hearing on December 21st and vote on approving the NorthPoint massive project without environmental or traffic studies.
John Keiken with Stop NorthPoint says the traffic study provided from Joliet included blank pages.
The next court date is December 15th, the Joliet City Council expected to vote on annexation on December 21st.