Stop NorthPoint seeks Temporary Restraining Order During Covid Pandemic
Stop NorthPoint LLC is once again asking the court for a temporary restraining order to prevent the city of Joliet from moving forward with Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals meetings during the Covid-19 pandemic. The city is attempting move forward with plans to annex 1,300 acres of land for the future Compass Business Park. It was on November 19th that the city of Joliet announced they would be repealing the April 17th vote that had previously approved the annexation.
The group’s lawyers say that an Executive Order from Illinois Governor JB Pritzker prohibits gatherings of any size unless otherwise exempt. Both the Joliet City Hall and Will County Offices are closed due to Covid. The governor’s executive order specifies that law enforcement, such as the state police or Joliet police, have the authority to enforce the law. In the event that a TRO is not granted, Stop NorthPoint has told WJOL they are prepared to request the governor to honor his executive order and send the Illinois State Police to enforce the law and stop the public hearing.
The hearing on the matter is set for Wednesday December 2 before Judge Theodore Jarz.