Trick-or-Treat Hours and Safety Tips
The City of Joliet’s trick-or-treating hours will be from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 31, 2022 for those who choose to participate.
Bolingbrook Trick or Treating hours will be on October 31st between 4 p.m. and 7p.m.
The Village of Plainfield set its trick-or-treating hours for 4-8 p.m. Oct. 31.
Safety Tips from Village of Bolingbrook
Turn on your porch light if you want to be visited by Trick-or-Treaters
Trick-or-Treaters should only visit houses/apartments of people they know
Children should use sidewalks where available and walk, not run, between houses
Use caution when crossing streets and only cross at intersections when clear of traffic
Costumes should be light and bright so they are clearly visible to motorists and it is suggested that Trick-or-Treaters carry a flashlight
Parents should inspect candy and goodies before allowing children to consume
Motorists should be vigilant and extra alert during Trick-or-Treat hours
Know which friend(s) your child is traveling with if not accompanied by an adult
The Bolingbrook Police Department will have additional officers patrolling during the posted hours.
The Bolingbrook Fire Department advises using battery operated lights (not candles) to illuminate Jack-O’lanterns to avoid any contact with flammable materials if the pumpkin gets knocked over