VVSD Board Approves Remote Only Start for the 2020-21 School Year
Students from Bolingbrook and Romeoville in the Valley View School District 365U will begin the school year remotely. The Board of Education has the approved the plan that calls for the fall to begin with remote learning for all learners for the First Quarter of the 20-21 school year. The First Quarter begins with the first day of school on Wednesday, August 26 (Sept. 2 for Early Childhood) and ends on Friday, October 23.
Read full letter below:
August 6, 2020
The Valley View CUSD 365U Board of Education has approved the Return Together 365 Fall Reopening Plan that calls for the fall to begin with remote learning for all learners for the First Quarter of the 2020-21 school year. The First Quarter begins with the first day of school on Wednesday, August 26 (Sept. 2 for Early Childhood) and ends on Friday, October 23. The plan calls for a phased approach to bringing students on-site with an emphasis on an improved and structured Remote Learning Model and solidified health and safety protocols. In addition, VVSD Administration will continually assess conditions during the First Quarter for a potential earlier return for some groups of learners with a planned transition on-site for those who select hybrid attendance.
“The Board thanks the VVSD staff for their countless hours in their planning in an attempt to hit a moving target due to evolving messages and guidelines from various state agencies,” said VVSD Board President Mr. Steve Quigley. “We are in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic. As a community, we are doing the best that we can under the circumstances. We are choosing a full remote return because we have to consider what causes the least potential disruption to student learning. If we were to return under the hybrid plan, and then be forced to change to the full remote model, that would result in a disruption to students that we avoid by approving a full remote return. Our students have already suffered enough disruptions.”
On July 20, VVSD administration presented a draft plan that would allow parents and guardians to select either a hybrid of in-person and remote instruction or a remote only plan. VVSD Superintendent of Schools Rachel Kinder, Ed.S.shared that, “While our original draft plan presented on July 20th aimed to offer an option of a hybrid or full remote learning, recent developments have brought us to the conclusion that accomplishing these goals under our current plan is not attainable. In light of many factors that have evolved in the last two weeks including: continued positivity increases in our region and county; status of county and state level public health coordination with school districts; recent ISBE guidance and State Superintendent directives; staffing and logistical constraints; and trends for full-remote openings in school districts in our immediate area, our recommendation shifted.”
Superintendent Kinder explained the change in the administrative recommendation by saying, “This is not a decision that we make lightly since we truly want our students in school with us where we know we can support them the best. We also realize this will be quite disappointing news for some families, students and staff who were hoping to have at least some in-person time together. This will also bring significant challenges for families with childcare and those who rely on the school for many resources. With this said, however, we know that we cannot confidently recommend an in-person return on August 26 that will meet the expectations for safety and high quality instruction and services for every learner. We will continue to problem-solve to support student and family needs during this full remote phase”
VVSD will use a phased approach to reassess the status of health conditions, official guidance, and District readiness to determine when a cautious and measured approach to bringing students on-site can begin. The District will reassess at the six week mark for a possible return at nine weeks and then continue to reassess at six week increments as necessary. The stages of this plan are outlined below.
Stage 1*
1st Quarter Through Oct. 23 |
Remote Learning | · All learners participate in remote learning
· On-site student visits by appointment only as authorized by Administration (or designee) · Faculty and staff work from on-site as required to meet work expectations |
Stage 2*
Remote Learning + Transition | · Remote learning continues for the majority of students
· Learners invited on-site for targeted learning/support · Consideration of return to on-site learning for specific programs/grade bands · Faculty and staff work on-site as required to meet work expectations |
Stage 3*
Hybrid Learning | · Learners participate in hybrid learning (remote +on-site learning) as assigned
· Remote learning continues as necessary based on family selection |
Stage 4**
In-person Learning | · All learners and staff return to full in-person learning |
* Stages 1-3 will be implemented as long as the State of Illinois is in Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois Plan.
**Stage 4 will be implemented only when Phase 5 is achieved and IDPH and ISBE guidance allow for a full-return.
***Extracurricular participation as allowable per IHSA and IDPH in every stage.