Will County Board Transportation Chairman Asks Joliet to Hold Development Till Intermodal Study Complete
The Chairman of the Public Works and Transportation Committee for the Will County Board is asking the city of Joliet to wait to move forward with any projects that would add an abundance of vehicular traffic to local infrastructure. Board Member Joe Van Duyne is sharing details on a new intermodal study part of the Will County Joliet Intermodal Transportation Plan. It was in March of 2019 that Will County entered into a contract with CDM Smith Inc. on the transportation plan. Van Duyne says that the study is critical for understanding the infrastructure needs in the area of Interstate 55 and Route 52 as well as Interstate 80 and Hoff Road. The study will take an in depth look at three different scenarios; one that will look at the current level of activity, a second scenario that would look at a full build out of the freight clusters in Will County and a third that would look at an extreme scenario of additional development to understand the impacts to local roads and highways. The $330,000 plan, which is being paid by financial contributions made by the city of Joliet, CenterPoint Properties, Union Pacific, Will County and a grant from the state of Illinois, is due to be release on July 1st and Van Duyne is asking Joliet to wait to approve any future developments until the results of the study are officially submitted and have been properly reviewed.