Will County Clerk Lauren Staley Ferry Encourages Citizens To Become Election Judges

Will County Clerk Lauren Staley Ferry encourages interested individuals from both major political parties to sign up to become an Election Judge to serve in the November 8, 2022 General Election.


“Election Judges perform a vital role at our Polling Places on Election Day by serving voters and ensuring that our elections are conducted properly,” County Clerk Staley Ferry said.


Election Judges are paid $150 for working at a Polling Place. Trained Election Judges can earn extra compensation by helping to pick up and drop off election supplies during the Election.


Election Judge candidates are required to attend an on-line and in-person training session. The County Clerk’s staff will contact applicants to schedule training.


Applicants must live in Will County and be registered to vote in the next election. High school juniors or seniors with a 3.0/4.0 GPA also are eligible to apply. Students may be enrolled in a public or private school. Local community college or university students are also encouraged to apply.


Interested individuals can apply to be an Election Judge by visiting willcountyclerk.gov and clicking on Elections and then Election Judges. The Election Judges page contains additional information about this important service.