Will County Courthouse to Require Face Coverings Starting May 1st
Chief Judge Richard Schoenstedt has announced changes to the Will County Courthouse’s procedures due to Governor JB Pritzker’s executive order requiring face-covering for any individual who is over the age two and able to medically tolerate face-covering. Efective May 1, 2020, all individuals entering the Will County Courthouse will be required to wear face-coverings.
“Because of the continuing threats posed by the COVID-19 health emergency, the Court will implement the face-covering requirements in compliance with Governor’s Pritzker’s Executive Order. In addition, we will place appropriate markings, signage and other designations to inform individuals of the locations where they can sit or stand while maintaining an appropriate social distance. We must remain vigilant to ensure that appropriate measures are taken until the outbreak no longer poses a major threat.” Chief Judge Schoenstedt said.
Additional modifications may be needed to comply with Federal and State guidance.