In an effort to centralize communication from various elected officials’ offices, county departments, and agencies relating to the coronavirus crisis, the Will County Executive Office’s IT department has created a COVID-19 page on its website.

“Information is being disseminated and changing rapidly as this crisis continues to unfold,” said Nick Palmer, Chief of Staff for Will County Executive Larry Walsh. “The public often contacts our office first when they are uncertain who to call. We want to make this important information as clear and easy to access as possible.”

The COVID-19 Updates Page can be found on the home page at or at The County also has updated information on county facility closures and information on how to access services. This information is available on the County’s main website under the tab found at the top left of the homepage.

Other informational links are available from this main County website including the Will County Health Department, Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), and the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

The county has also established a Crisis Communications Team comprised of representatives from a number of county departments and elected officials. This team has been meeting virtually on a regular basis to ensure the proper information is reaching the public.

“We are all working together to provide the most efficient service to our residents in this extremely unique crisis,” Palmer added. “On behalf of County Executive Walsh, we want to thank all of Countywide elected officials, department heads and staff who continue to work together to maintain county services.”