Will County Executive Bertino-Tarrant Focuses on the Future in State of the County Address

Annual address spotlights efforts of county government to be forward-thinking

Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant delivered her annual State of the County address at the August meeting of the County Board. In her address, Bertino-Tarrant emphasized the need for county government to prepare for continued residential and economic growth in the region.

“We are at a point where the decisions we make today will determine the direction of our county for years to come,” said County Executive Bertino-Tarrant. “As County leaders, we need to challenge ourselves to expand our vision and think proactively about how we address issues and changes in our communities.”

In her address, Bertino-Tarrant spotlighted several steps that Will County made in recent years to modernize government and empower communities, including increased public safety spending, transformational local investments through the American Rescue Plan Act, improved delivery of county services, the completion of several long-term capital plans, and the construction of Chicagoland’s first Renewable Natural Gas Plant at the County-owned Prairie View Landfill.

Bertino-Tarrant also highlighted her administration’s prioritization to implement more forward-looking strategies for transportation. This includes launching the “Our Way Forward” long-term transportation plan, which aims to reduce congestion, improve safety for all modes of transportation, and expand access.

The address also spotlighted Will County’s recent expansion of the Access Will County Dial-a-Ride Service, which empowers seniors and residents with disabilities in areas that previously did not have transportation service to connect with all of Will County.

“Transportation is not just moving cars from point A to point B,” added Bertino-Tarrant. “It’s about access. It’s about connecting people to opportunities. Whether that’s someone driving to work, or taking the train, or biking on our beautiful local trails, or utilizing paratransit, everyone deserves access to safe and convenient transportation.”

The proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Budget was also presented during the meeting. Bertino-Tarrant proposed a balanced budget aimed at maintaining existing services and preparing County offices for a continued pace of growth. The budget prioritizes public safety, which makes up 67 percent of the County’s operating budget.

Bertino-Tarrant outlined several steps her administration has taken to reduce operational spending and plan for future needs. This includes the County’s Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan, which is aimed at forecasting long-term spending on capital assets.

“We must continue to be mindful of these responsible budgeting strategies while being forward-thinking,” said Bertino-Tarrant. “I’m proud to present a balanced budget today that puts us on a positive path for the future. In passing a budget, we’re not just getting through the next year. We’re making decisions that guide how county government prepares for the future.”

The proposed budget will now be reviewed by the County Board, who must approve a new budget at its November meeting before the fiscal year begins December 2024.

Will County executive office press release