Will County Executive Larry Walsh announced today that he is accepting applications for the county’s representative on the Metra Board of Directors. New Lenox Mayor Tim Baldermann recently resigned from the 11-member board, which is comprised of representatives from the six collar counties in the Chicagoland metropolitan area.

“Tim did a great job representing Will County on this board,” Walsh said. “He was an important voice for our residents on decisions about current and future mass transportation plans.”

The Metra Board of Directors meets monthly in the offices at 547 West Jackson Blvd. in Chicago and makes important decisions regarding the operations of the commuter rail portion of the regional transportation network. The Will County representative will help ensure safe, efficient, and reliable services continue in the county as well as throughout the Northeastern Illinois region. Additional information on METRA can be found at www.metrarail.com/about-

“As one of the fastest growing counties in Illinois and an important player in the global transportation network, it is critical Will County has strong voice on the Metra board,” Walsh said. “Many of our residents depend on public transportation on a daily basis and we are dedicated to ensuring this service continues to grow in Will County.”

Anyone interested in applying to serve as the Will County representative on the Metra Board of Directors should email a cover letter and resume to the attention of Robin Tyda at [email protected] by September 9, 2019.