Will County Sheriff’s Office Reminds Residents Of Scams That Appear To Come From The Sheriff’s Office
The Will County Sheriff’s Office is advising residents that several people have reported scams within the last week. The scams range from using the Sheriff’s Office phone number on your caller ID and using the actual name of a Sheriff’s Sergeant, warrants for your arrest, falsely claiming you owe money because you are listed on the sex offender registration, and threatening your arrest because you did not appear for jury duty.
The Sheriff’s Office sees old and new scams and frauds multiple times a month. We cannot stress enough to be cautious when conducting business on your phone or computer. Do not answer your phone if you do not know the phone number. Do not open or click on any links that you are not fully aware if they are legitimate or not, and by all means, do not send anyone money or give personal information if you did not contact the person yourself for their services.
Keep in mind:
**Scammers PRETEND to be from familiar organizations such as government offices, the Sheriff’s Office, local police department, Warrant Division, Jury Duty Commission, Internal Revenue Service, etc.
**Scammers say there is a ‘problem’ with something you may not have even done, or problem with your banking account, computer system was hacked…to name a few.
**Scammers PRESSURE YOU to act immediately. They use threatening and fearful language and fast-talk you into believing them and acting quickly.
**Scammers tell you to pay using zelle, gift cards, bitcoin. Legitimate organizations will not ask you for these forms of payment.
Be mindful and avoid becoming a victim of a scam, and educate those you love who may be vulnerable to fall for them.