Will County Tax Payers Receive Delinquent Real Estate Tax Notices

Some 400 and counting Will County tax payers are receiving delinquent real estate tax notices that were intended for November 2020. In a letter received by treasurer Tim Brophy from Joliet Postmaster Natasha Wesley, there is no explanation for the failure to deliver.

“I called the postmaster asking that she cooperate with a detailed explanation to tax payers,” said Brophy. “What we received was a generic note blaming the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, with no mention of our specific mailing. My office and I are now handling hundreds of calls and emails from confused tax payers, many of whom paid their taxes prior to the tax sale date.” Brophy continued, “this is the first such experience with the mailing method used to mail the notices.”

Taxpayers who paid all of their taxes due, but received one of these late delinquent notices are encouraged to confirm their payments. The Treasurer’s office is open and staffed. Tax payers may call 815-740-4675 or go to the Treasurer’s website at www.willcountytreasurer.com.